Years ago, DNA typing achieved such wide acceptance and proven reliability that opponents now concentrate on two principal points of attack. 几年前,DNA鉴定赢得了广泛的接受并证实了它的可靠性,现在,反对者开始集中于两点进行攻击。
In the trial for murder, the lawyer sought to confuse the principal witness, but she was armed at all points. 在谋杀案审讯中,那位律师设想使主要证人感到谜惑,但是她有充分准备而对答如流。
Principal conclusions were agreed on, and then specific cut points were discussed in an iterative consensus process. 主要结论经过了协商,特殊分歧点用布尔函数处理。
The principal points of a thin lens coincide at the center of the lens. 薄透镜的两个主点与透镜中心相重合。
The principal application for this extension is at the analogue end points of digital transmission links, especially telephone terminal equipment. 该扩展的主要应用是在数字传输链路的模拟端点,特别是电话终端设备。
A concluding part of a speech or an argument containing a summary of principal points, especially of a case before a court of law. 讲话或论证的结论部分,包括要点的总结,尤指法庭上辩论的总结。
Then we make use of the principal component regression ( PCR) to calculate the comprehensive mark and rating points. 将小波变换与主成分回归相结合,提出一种新型多元校正算法&小波基主成分回归法。
This paper discusses the principal characteristic and mechanism comprehensively, and points out some techniques and methods of accessing database, which from the angle of client applications accessing one or more database servers. 文章从前端客户应用访问一个或多个后端数据库服务器的角度,全面论述了客户/服务器数据库系统的主要特点和机制以及访问数据库的多种技术和途径。
Based on the construction of prestressed concrete in Xi'an branch of Communication Bank, authors introduce the application of vacuum-aided grouting in post tensioned prestressing concrete structure, and summarize the principle and technical principal points of vacuum-aided grouting technology. 通过交通银行西安分行办公大楼预应力混凝土的施工,重点介绍了真空辅助灌浆技术在后张法预应力混凝土结构中的应用,总结了真空辅助灌浆技术的原理和技术要点。
This paper presents hardware design thought and software design characteristics of data acquisition and processing system for electric energy controlled by principal and subordinate singlechip microcomputer, analyzes advantages of hardware consisting of high-speed CMOS chips and points out potential vistas for its wide applications. 文章阐述应用单片微机构成的智能化主从式电能计量分析系统的硬件设计思想及软件设计特点。分析应用高速CMOS芯片构成硬件系统的优点。
The paper first thoroughly criticized the unitary system-the theory foundation of no classification on Joint offenders-the concept of the united principal offenders and points out the value of classification. 文章首先对单一制即对共犯人不作分类的理论基础一统一的正犯概念一一进行了彻底的批判,指出对共犯人分类的价值所在。
The principal technical parameters, fundamental of operation, points of technical creation of the straight-advance self-propelled minimum sprinkler with double rotation arm which is newly-developed and the result of performance test are narrated in this paper. 主要论述了最新研制的双旋转臂直行自走式微喷灌机的主要技术参数、工作原理与技术创新点,并阐述了性能试验结果。
To calculate the line of contact between roller and steel rod in a rolling mill and the principal radii of curvature at different points on the line of contact, mathematical model has been set up. 为轧辊机的辊子与圆钢的接触线以及在接触线上各点的主曲率半径等几何量的计算,建立了数学模型。
Aiming at the shortcoming that obtained from comprehensive evaluation by principal component analysis, this paper points out the method of grouping principal component evaluation. 本文针对用主成分法进行综合评价时存在的缺点,提出了分组主成分评价法。
Through the analysis of the constructive order and the coherence to the text, the paper confirms that the linear structure and the spiral structure are the two principal characters of the arrangements in English writing, and they are the two key points in unfolding the text. 本文通过对英语语篇的结构层次和连贯性分析,指出其基本成份线性结构是英语语篇布局谋篇的一个基本特点,是英语段落展开的中心原则。
Principal points about quality survey of hull lofting 船体放样质量检验要点
The paper reports current main modes of river-crossing engineering of fuel gas pipeline, the principal design points, and cautions 介绍了燃气管道穿越河流的几种主要方式并提出设计要点及注意事项
Application of Principal Component Analysis in Optimizing Monitoring Points on Mine Atomospheric Pollution 主成分分析法在矿山空气污染监测点优化中的应用
This paper presents a new free-form curved surface modeling method on the basis of perspective projections, normal vectors, tangent vectors and principal normal curvatures of controlling points of a free-form curved surface. 提出基于曲面透视投影和其内在几何的自由曲面造型方法。给出从曲面数据点的透视投影坐标、曲面法矢、切矢及主曲率,计算曲面三维数据点坐标的原理和过程。
This paper analyses the drawback of the Chinese current standard about the name, definition and grading principal of rated power of internal combustion engine, and points out the necessity to revise this standard, also gives the proposal of revision. 本文分析了我国现行有关内燃机标定功率的名称、定义和分档原则的标准存在的缺点,论证修订这项标准的必要性并提出修订方案的建议。
In this paper, we studied the principal points of documentation in software development, and discussed the functional design and implementation of a documentation tool which can be integrated in software engineering environments as well as be used independently by software developers. 在本文中,我们研究了软件开发中文档管理的主要内容,并提出了一个可由用户独立使用,也可用于软件工程支撑环境中的文档管理工具的功能设计及这样一个工具的实现。
After focusing on the relationships between the use of information power by principal and agent, it points out that twice decision of accounting is the most important feature of the use of information power by agent. 之后,重点讨论了代理人信息权力行使与会计的关系,提出会计二次决策是代理人行使信息权力中最具特色的一种方式。
From the analysis of the principal problems of China ′ s current social security system, the article points out the urgency and significance of a new social security system adapted to the market economy in the period of the readjustment of the structure of the economic system. 通过对中国目前社会保障制度存在的主要问题进行剖析,说明了在经济体制结构调整时期,建立新的适应社会主义市场经济的社会保障制度的迫切性及重要性。
The equipments reform and the technique operation principal points of one-step coal based grate-kiln DR process 煤基链篦机-回转窑一步法直接还原设备改造及技术操作要点
Principal horizontal stress from various observation points increases with the depth in this area as well as in the Ordos uplifting region. 平原区各测点的水平主应力值是深度的线性函数,鄂尔多斯隆起区的水平主应力值随深度的增加而增大。
This article analyses the problems of internal control in enterprises from a perspective of principal and agent relationship, and points out the existence of multi-layer principal-agent relationship among shareholders, operators, administrators and staff members, thus the issue of agent arising. 以委托代理关系为视角分析企业内部控制问题,可发现内部控制中股东、经营者、管理者和员工间存在多层委托代理关系,并由此产生代理人问题。
Principal points of implementation for supervision of flight field pavement concrete construction in new Baiyun international airport of Guangzhou 广州新白云国际机场飞行区道面混凝土监理实施要点
Then to Aristotle, "four causes" as the analysis approach reveals the value judgments of state intervention initiated by the principal as the four for the key position of connection points. 继而以亚里士多德四因说作为分析进路揭示发起国家干预的价值判断主体作为四因连接点的关键地位。
The analytic method is based on "Hertz contact theory", and the principal curvature and its principal direction are known, then the contact stresses and deformations of the meshing points are obtained. 解析法以赫兹弹性接触力学为理论基础,计算面齿轮每个啮合点的主曲率和主方向,研究面齿轮两接触齿面在啮合点的接触变形和应力。
In traditional algorithms, statistical shape analysis relies on mathematical models built from level sets or landmarks, and then employs principal component analysis to learn parameters of critical points. 在传统的方法中,统计形状分析主要是使用地标点(landmark)来建立形状特征关键点的数学模型,通过主成分分析来学习其关键点的参数,或水平集的方法来建立形状模型。